~ School Closed for Curriculum Day on Friday 14th March ~

~ School Closes at 12:30pm on Wednesday 26th March ~

~ Primary Out of Zone Ballot for Year 1 Open Now ~

~ School Closed for Curriculum Day on Friday 14th March ~ ~ School Closes at 12:30pm on Wednesday 26th March ~ ~ Primary Out of Zone Ballot for Year 1 Open Now ~

To value diversity and to develop curious, confident and connected learners.

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura o te Roto a Rangi
Welcome to Balmoral School

Te Kura o te Roto a Rangi is a place where children can obtain the highest quality education, where they are challenged, safe, able to innovate and make mistakes and achieve great things. Everyone will experience the joy of learning. It will be where people feel a sense of belonging, good friends are made, and great stories are told. Kaiako and ākonga will better understand their place in the world and their role as kaitiaki. Whānau will play an active role in supporting their child’s learning. Together we will respect diversity, inquire, celebrate who we are and discover our nation’s heritage so we better understand our place in the world.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”

- quoted in Alice Calaprice, The Ultimate Quotable Einstein, p. 100

Principal’s Welcome

Kia ora tatou, nau mai haere mai ki tenei kura, Welcome to Balmoral School.

It is a privilege to welcome you to Balmoral School. Diversity is celebrated at our school, and every learner is a taonga. I am lucky to work alongside a passionate Board, a dedicated staff of teachers and support staff who care deeply about delivering high-quality education.

I can guarantee that our team will work hard to ensure that your child receives a world class education across the essential areas of The New Zealand Curriculum.

I look forward to seeing your child, you, and your whānau around our school over your time here.

Regards Malcolm Milner M.Ed (Hons), B.A, Adv Dip Tch