School Board
Welcome to our school. We are an elected group of parents who see education as a taonga. We believe we hold education and learning in trust for the present and future generations of ākonga who will attend our school.
We look forward to meeting you during your time at our Kura.
The Board consists of five parent representatives elected every three years, a staff representative and the principal.
Kyle MacDonald (Presiding Member)
Sarah Jack (Deputy Presiding Member)
Erica Hodgson (Elected Member)
Vacancy (Elected Member)
Stacey Osborne (Treasurer)
Sarah Hogg (Staff Representative)
Malcolm Milner (Principal)
The Board normally meets twice a term on the third Tuesday of the month. Meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend. Please check the school calendar for upcoming meetings.
The School Board can be contacted through the school office.
Strategic Plan / Annual Plan
This document sets out the Strategic and Implementation Plan for 2024-26.