Balmoral School Netball Programme

All Balmoral School teams play netball through Auckland Netball at Windmill Park, 48 Windmill Road, Mt Eden.

Auckland Netball runs the largest school netball competition in the country. They play using the FutureFerns programme. This Year 1-8 competition, developed by Netball New Zealand, has an emphasis on fun activities conducted in a safe environment, whilst building key netball skills. The FutureFerns programme has 4 development stages: Years 1&2, Years 3&4, Years 5&6 and Years 7&8. These 4 stages of the modified game transform and become more challenging as the players get older and continue to develop their netball skills. For more information visit 
The school philosophy is that anyone who wants to play netball and is committed to being in a team is encouraged to play. Therefore team sizes will vary year to year to make sure no student misses out.

When does my child need to sign up?
Netball registration opens Term 1, Week 2 each year.
Please note to be able to trial for teams in Year 5-8 permission from parents via the registration form is required.

Who coaches and manages the teams?
To enable ākonga to play netball for Balmoral School, we rely on parent volunteers to coach and manage teams.  A coach and manager must be named for each team before it can be registered, so please think about putting yourself forward to volunteer for one of these roles if possible.  More information can be found by clicking here.
It is up to the individual team and parent volunteers how they choose to run the team but, generally, the manager takes responsibility for administrative matters, sharing game times and logistics, while the coach is more hands-on with running practices and warm-ups.  It’s definitely a case of “many hands make light work” and we encourage other parents to pitch in with scoring, helping with subs etc on game day.

When are the trials?
There are no trials for Years 1-4, and players are allocated into teams.
Trials for Years 5-8 are Term 1, Week 6-8 each year.  Registration for trials is within the sign-up forms below.  Please see the Balmoral School Netball Trials Policy & Procedures for how these trials are run Trial Procedures.
The school needs to register teams with Auckland Netball at the beginning of April, so all teams will be confirmed before this time.  

When does the playing season start?
Netball games start Term 2, Week 2. Often teams will start practicing before this time and it is up to the individual coaches to organise this.

When does the playing season end?
The season goes across 2 terms and finishes around Term 3, Week 7, although exact timing may vary each year. Please ensure your child can commit to the full season and that it does not clash with other commitments in Term 3.  There is a 3 week break between Term 2 & 3 as other schools in the competition have a 3 week holiday at this time.

How much does playing netball cost?
The cost per child is based on the number of students that sign up.  The fee is set each year and takes into account Auckland Netball game fees and gear for team bags, such as balls and bibs. The fee is higher for Y5-8 as the teams pay for Auckland Netball to provide umpires for each game.
The fee will be added on the Edge Portal for payment by parents/caregivers.

What is the uniform?
The Balmoral Netball uniform is either:

  • Balmoral Red Netball Dress or

  • Balmoral Red Netball Top & Blue Sports Shorts

Uniforms are available to be purchased through the office. These uniforms are only able to be ordered in Term 1, Weeks 2-5 as they are made to order. Please note that uniforms will need to be purchased before registrations cut-off and trials. We require a parent to come and fit the uniform using samples and, once the correct size is found, you can pay and order the uniform.

Navy long-sleeved thermals and navy/black bike shorts are permitted to be worn under the uniform. No other coloured long tops are allowed to be worn. No t-shirts or leggings are to be worn under the uniform.

Secondhand uniforms are sometimes available on the Balmoral Uniform Exchange Facebook page (Balmoral Uniform Exchange | Facebook) or ask around other parents who have been involved with netball.

Years 1 & 2

No trials are held and teams are assigned once registrations are completed.
Each team will need a parent volunteer manager to be able to be entered into the competition. Coaches will be sourced from within the school community.
Expectation: 1 pre-game training, 1 game.
Game Times:
Thursday: 4.00pm | 4.45pm

20 minute skill session followed by a game.
4 v 4 (recommended maximum of 8 per team)
No set positions
Rolling subs.
2 x 8 minutes halves
Played across 1/3 of a netball court.
Play with a 20cm textured playground ball
Hula hoop or Goal post 2.1m high.
Coach or parent helper each week.
No whistle, support play.
No scores records.

Years 3 & 4

No trials are held and teams are assigned once registrations are completed.
Each team will need a parent volunteer Coach and Manager to be able to be entered into the competition.
Expectation: 1 pre-game training, 1 game.
Game Times:
Thursdays 4.00pm | 4.55pm | 5.50pm | 6.45pm
Game format & Rules

15 minute skill session followed by a game.
5 v 5 (recommend 7 players per team).
4 x 8 minute quarters.
Rolling subs.
Played across 2/3 of a netball court.
Play with a size 4 ball.
Goal post 2.6m high.
No scores records.
No whistle, support play.
Girls and boys mixed teams. Boys on the court should not exceed half of the team at any one time. 
Coach umpires on court and supports play.

Years 5 & 6

Teams are selected through trials (conducted by Balmoral kaiako).
Trials are held Term 1, Week 6-8.
Each team will need a parent volunteer Coach and Manager to be able to be entered into the competition.
Expectation: 1 practice per week, 1 game.
Game times:
Wednesdays 4.00pm | 4.45pm | 5.30pm | 6.15pm
Game format & Rules
15 minute time on court for warm up followed by a game.
6 v 6 (recommend 8 players per team).
Rolling subs.
Played on a full size netball court.
Play with a size 4 ball.
Goalposts at 2.6m high.
4 x 8 minute quarters.
Positions include 2 attacks, 2 defence and 2 centres.
No results tables.
Girls and boys mixed teams. Boys on the court should not exceed half of the team at any one time.
Umpire controlled with modified rules.
Scored but no result table.

Years 7 & 8

Teams are selected through trials (conducted by Balmoral kaiako).
Trials are held between Term 1, Weeks 6-8.
Each team will need a parent volunteer Coach and Manager to be able to be entered into the competition.
Expectation: 1 - 2 practices per week, 1 game.
Game times:
Mondays 4.00pm | 5.00pm | 6.00pm | 7.00pm (if required)
Game Format & Rules
15 minute time on court for warm up followed by a game.
7 v 7 (recommend 9-10 players per team).
Substitutions during an interval or when play has stopped for injury/illness or blood.
Minimum of half a game per game per player.
Provide opportunities for players to play a variety of positions.
Played on a full size netball court.
Play with a size 5 ball.
Goalposts at 3.05m high.
Games will be 40 minutes duration – 4 x 10 minute quarters.
Scores taken for competition points table.
Year 7 & 8 boys, a maximum of 3 boys are allowed on the court at any time, with only one in each area of play i.e. GS or GA | WA, C, or WD | GD or GK.


If you have any further questions, please contact
Meredith Hughes
Sports League Coordinator
Balmoral School |Te kura o te Roto a Rangi